
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Linux Project Blog

This blog is about using linux to do different things. We will be using both server and desktop versions. Since Linux have so many different flavours I find it easier to stick to one distro for both my server an desktop. Currently this is Ubuntu LTS editions. I prefer LTS editions because I find updating every 6 months to be too often and the differences are small between the versions.

LTS editions comes every 2 years and that is often enough in my book. For every new release there will always be a bit of tweaking to get things working the way you want it to. Doing this job every 2 years is OK... Every 6 months would be annoying.

The current release is 12.04 LTS that was released in april 2012. Soon I will upgrade my servers to this version. Or as soon as time will permit me to do this. My boss is of the "old school" and seem to think that if you use computers, everything is just a matter of clicking the right button, and your job is done. But as we all know; that's not how it works.

Still the right computer for my boss is not available on the market. He gave me specific instructions for what computer to get him: "I want a computer that does what I want it to do; NOT a computer that does what I tell it to do...."

I must admit that it sounds like the perfect computer. If anyone knows where I can get one I would like to know. ;-)

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