
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Linux Tutorials

Linux has become the preferred OS for me and my company. Not only for the fact that it is free, but also because of the possibilities it gives us.

For a small company as ours Linux is the perfect solution. It provides us with a stable and secure platform for our servers running mail, webserver, fileserver, printserver, automated backups and a lot more.

Of course we need to know a thing or two about installing it and setting up the various components . And I am always looking for more information on how to configure and setup different parts of Linux and other Open Source Software.

Recently I found out that had redesigned their site and of course I had to take a look at it.

Their new site is somewhat lacking in content at first glimpse but on the top I found the link named Tutorials. (My favourite link word.) There are always more to learn when it comes to computers and I find it exciting learning new things all the time.

Anyway... In the tutorials, at the time of writing this, you will find the following links:
  • Linux Tips and Tricks
  • BeginnerLevel Course
  • Intermediate Level Course
  • Advanced Level Course

This would be a great starting point for anyone looking to learn more about Linux. I will be reading from these tutorials when I find the time. I will pay special attention to the beginner level course because even though I have learned quite a bit of advanced usage I always find something in the beginner part that is new to me. (It could be because I forget things quickly.)
The basics are important to know if you need to get a better grasp at the advanced issues involved.

If you want to see how the previous site looked like you can take a look at it in the archives. And just for fun you can also have a look at how it was back in 1997.

I find to be quite a fun service. I have checked some of my first websites with it and I have concluded that design is not my cup of tea. Never was and probably never will be. (I have acceepted this fact since I don't do a better job designing webpages now either.)

I will be checking out more than once in the near future since my need-to-know mentality makes me want-to-know.

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